Wednesday, 2 December 2009


I feel my photography for the promo material is very dark and i need to re-shoot these on a white background.

Monday, 30 November 2009

Preparation for Print

Prepared document for the stickers to be printed out tomorrow.

To use the vinyl cutter, i had to prepare the circles on a seperate document for it to pick up the shape it has to cut out.

Take away Bag

First Test messed up as i was unsure which way the printer would print.

Second test was much better. Logo looked effective one brown stock and i was happy :)

Serviette Pack Design

I thought about the way i could package my serviette rather than printing onto the actual serviette. I thought giving a pack out with a seviette knife, folk and spoon would cover everything they sell at the coffee shop for example, jacket potatoes, soups etc.

Label for the serviette

In context

From this i thought of making the sandwich label in a similar style

Sticker idea to contain information about the sandwich and price

In context